Christmas Competition: Design Your Own Festive Effect Wheel

We might have been stuck inside for the best part of this year, but that hasn’t stopped us from being creative!

From painting radiant rainbows on our windows and drives to thank the NHS to developing our senses through our Sensory At Home adventures. We have managed to make 2020 a year of creative sensory discovery… and we’ve still got one more month to go!

To put your creative skills to the test, we’re launching a very special Christmas Competition.

We’re challenging you to design your very own festive effect wheel, and our favourite design will be turned into a real effect wheel!

chritstmas effect wheels

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The Wonderful World Of Fidgets

Why you might have heard of fidgets

Fidgeting is a physical effect of our brain’s natural reaction to the world around us.

We might feel our feet unconsciously drumming along to the beat of our favourite song, a rush of unwelcome anxiety when navigating a new place, or spiking nerves when we are under pressure to meet a tight deadline.

Fidgety moments are a feature of our daily lives. They can happen at different times and can affect us in lots of different ways. Some can be seen as positive (jumping up and down with excitement), whilst others are perceived more negatively (ants in your pants wriggling about on your seat).

Finding ways to channel our fidgeting has become a subject of exploration for many ingenious minds. Rooted in sensory, it’s a topic of discussion that has even recently broken into mainstream focus (see the 2017 fidget spinner frenzy!), which is why we thought that it’d be a good idea to dig into the wonderful world of fidgets and why they’re an ingenious force for good.

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Sensory & Nature: The Importance Of Outdoor Play

There’s a reason why the concept of sensory is firmly rooted in nature. Gardens, beaches, woods and parks are all wildly vivid sensory environments for us to experience and explore.

Whether that’s the ticklish feeling on the soles of your feet when walking across grass, a cool sea breeze blowing through your hair, or the shining sun warming up the skin on your arms. Nature is perhaps one of the most important parts of our sensory existence, an environment for us to connect with ourselves and our senses.

It’s also great for our health and mood. Sunlight and exercise increase our levels of serotonin, which help us feel happier and relaxed.

So, to extend the sensory excitement of the outdoors, we thought that we’d share some of our top picks for creating an outdoor sensory extravaganza!

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Make your own Sensory Tub

Sensory Tubs are great DIY hands-on tactile experiences for kids and the perfect sensory activity for parents who aren’t fond of mess.

Remember: What starts in the tub stays in the tub.

They’re inexpensive to make. You can get creative while you’re creating one. And you can add whatever you like to your tub, stimulating your senses in the way that works best for you. This type of hands-on tactile play is great for bringing distracted minds back into focus, ready to discover their senses.

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Sensory Exercise At Home

We all know that exercise is important. It can help you feel happier and more relaxed, and it also helps you become more familiar with your body and how it works! As parks and play centres are closed, it’s a great opportunity to bring some of that excitement back into your own home or garden. See below our sensory exercise inspiration and activities!

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Make Homeschool More Manageable

Classrooms are special environments designed to help children focus on their learning. Sadly, we don’t all have access to fabulous interactive classrooms filled with resources and friends, and this could be creating some tough emotional challenges for your child. Thankfully we’ve got some helpful tips that you can use to reduce homeschool stress, regulate your days and stabilise emotions.

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Sensory at Home

Emotions are high. Routines are out of the window. And we might not know where to focus our energy. It’s difficult, to say the least. 

But we want to let you know that the grey cloud of uncertainty will pass. Bright sunny skies are ahead. And whilst we wait for the sun to shine, we’re ready to bring you a radiant rainbow of Sensory Supplies.

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